Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How to control hives|Best way to treat hives

Hives are uncomfortable and itchy and not pretty to look at either. They usually come from an allergic reaction to food, medication, insect bite, or a plant although extreme temperatures and even exercise can cause hives in some people. The most general symptom is itching and the appearance of large welts on the face or body. In several cases, there can be significant swelling of face or throat. Luckily, the welts and other symptoms usually go away on their own. Until they do, there are some hives treatments by which this allergy can be cured.
Some of hives causes
 Some of the hives causes include: bacterial, viral and fungus infections, emotional stress, hepatitis B, parasitic worms, food additives, cold temperatures, heat, plants and sweating etc.
Treatment of hives
The symptoms of hives need to be treated if the substance or allergy responsible for them could not be found. Hives and itching can be controlled by using primary medications such as antihistamines. Some of the treatment for hives is as follows:
·        Antihistamines such as Benedryl, Atarax, Seldane and Tagamet
·        Corticosteroids- used in more severe cases
·        Injections of epinephrine are used in cases that involve life threatening episodes
·        Avoidance of unknown allergens
Hives on face can be controlled by avoiding heat, by keeping the temperature of the skin cool; staying away from alcohol as it causes flushing of the skin, by trying not to scratch affected areas and by wearing loose clothes that doesn’t put pressure on the skin.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Hives treatment

According to an evaluation, around 20% of the people get infected by hives, at least once during their lifetime.

Hives can affect any part of the body. They are white or red rashes which can vary in size and shape. A special characteristic of the hives rash is that it appears and disappears and even changes its shape very quickly. The hives symptoms include development of such welts, chiefly on stomach, back and chest. The hives rashes can be itchy and irritating too.

The causes of hives vary from one individual to other as they are basically caused due to an allergic reaction which is dependent upon one’s immunity system. Allergy against food or products we are exposed to can be regarded as the basic hives causes. Some medicinal side effects and prolonged illness can also result into such an infection.

The treatment of hives also differs from person to person as its causes. It can mostly be treated naturally. Even if left for a day or two, it gets healed itself. Homeopathic medicines are preferred as remedial measures. Herbal tea, Aloe Vera gel, acupressure, wrapping the infected are with ice are the probable potential hives treatment.

In some cases hives can be chronic and it would be difficult to trace the cause of allergy. It gets difficult to heal it in such situations but the symptoms can be curtailed.

The best way to achieve hives treatment is to stay away from the source which caused it.
If natural cures do not work, medical help should be immediately taken. Hives should never be underestimated as a normal skin infection. The delay in its cure can increase the damage.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Causes of hives in children

Hives is an infection which is very common in children. Children can be vulnerable to almost anything because of their underdeveloped immune system. Hives is an allergic reaction which causes white or red, raised welts on the body.
The hives symptoms are development of hoisted rashes chiefly on stomach, chest and back. One of the most distinctive characteristic of hives is that, the scars keep on appearing and disappearing. A welt on stomach can no longer be found after ten to fifteen minutes and there will be a sudden emergence of new ones on the back. The rashes do not have a designed shape or size and they appear either singularly or in groups.
Out of the various causes of hives in children, some can be underlined as:
·        Allergy to food
·        Prolonged illness
·        Side Effects of medicines or allergy to medicines
·        Exposure to irritants
The causes of children hives stated above cannot be the only causes. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to recognize the reason of infection depending upon child’s resistivity.
 Hives last for the maximum of 2 days but can reappear for several weeks. Antihistamines like Benadryl can be given to reduce the irritation. In some cases the severity increases and results into breathing trouble, extreme weakness and throat tightness. Then, the doctor’s opinion becomes important. 
A must thing for every parent is to know the cause of this allergic reaction in their kids. Once aware of the reasons of hives, they can easily prevent it to affect their children.